Why you should fill up your cup of TEA

EdDistractions, Genki, Lifestyle, Smartphones, TEA

A good cup of tea a day makes the distractions go away.

Photo by nastya on Unsplash

What I mean is actually is how I refer to my Time, Energy, and Attention (TEA). Optimizing your time, energy, and attention is like enjoying a full cup of good tea.

We have a limited amount of TEA in our cup per day. How are you consuming and using it?

Time – We have a limited amount of time during our waking hours.

Energy – We need fuel to work, play, move, and energize. 

Attention – We need to be able to focus and lock down to do things that matter to us.

We should take a moment to find some clarity and think about how we are using our TEA.

1. Name 3 time wasters currently in your life. Do they help you towards your goals? We should spend time on things that are important and actually matter.

2. How tired are you every day? Name 1 thing in your life that is bringing you down. Can you find a peaceful resolution?

3. What’s something that you should be doing but aren’t doing? Is there a time and energy drainer preventing you from it?

Here are some things I need to personally work on.

  1. My current time wasters:
  • Checking news about upcoming NBA season a few times a day on my smartphone (I’m a huge fan but I confess that I need to take a break!)
  • Worrying about the future and ruminating
  • Checking email too often

2. My current energy level:

  • Quite tired these days because I am preparing for some significant life events
  • I need to make sure I get more sleep and good rest

3. Something I should be locking down for:

  • I should be working on and completing the personal projects I have on my list.

Creating more energy and organization is an ongoing process in my life! I’m always looking to get better and better. It’s a must do for me so I can make sure I have the capacity to do all the things I want to do.

I think that for many millennials like myself, a smartphone or some form of digital media plays a role in sucking up our time, energy, and attention. There are important and useful things that we can use our smartphones for, but the potential distractions on them drain our TEA quickly.

Sometimes we get carried away when we can access so much information at our fingertips. We just have to know ourselves and become digitally aware 🙂

Let’s pay attention to our cup of TEA. They’re the fundamental ingredients to living a GENKI life.
