Why you need to start energizing


To get from point A to point B, you need energy. To achieve A, B, or C, you will need energy. Energy is the motivation, the juice, the spark, and the life force that allows you to do what you want and to live! Energy comes from your soul, your heart, your body, your mind, your thoughts, your movement, your … Read More

What does genki mean?

EdEnergy, Genki, TEA

Let’s talk about the word genki. Genki is a term and phrase in Japanese that means energetic or healthy. It’s used as a common greeting in Japanese and it describes one who is doing well and full of vitality and life. To me, genki is like the new happy. Genki is about having the energy and the capacity to do … Read More

Reasons to Quit Social Media

EdDistractions, Energy, Genki, Lifestyle, TEA, Video

My thoughts on why you think stop and think about the time, energy, and attention people spend on social media. Music: Another Few Weeks by BatchBug | https://soundcloud.com/batchbug Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/… Video: Stock Videos by Activedia, josephredfield, and evagrover from Pixabay. https://pixabay.com/videos/

My favourite offline things to do when I need energy


What do you like to do when you need a digital break? This is a follow up to my previous video post. Climb – I like to find a tree, playground, or something out in nature to climb. It helps me feel a rush of adrenaline and adventure. There’s something about climbing that brings the monkey out in me. If … Read More