Conquer Your Distractions Like an Obstacle Course Race

EdDistractions, Fitness, Genki, Health, Obstacle Course Race, Obstacles, TEA

I joined my first Spartan Race a few weekends ago, and conquered every obstacle that stood in my way. It was an unbelievable feeling. Just like how life is a series of obstacles, you can conquer all the ones in your way too!

Spartan Race is a popular obstacle course race event that is held around the world. It offers a variety of physical challenges which include monkey bars, spear throws, wall jumps, and rope climbing.

To get from start to finish, I had to find a way to get through each and every obstacle on the course.

One of the huge obstacles that’s standing in front of us during these times are the constant digital distractions which is a growing issue that I want to help people overcome.

What were the challenges and what was I most worried about:

  • Lack of familiarity with some of the obstacles
  • The rugged terrain, the hard rain, and the soaking and muddy weather.
  • New levels and types of physical strength and fitness that I hadn’t used before.
  • Lack of sleep (let’s just say my earplugs weren’t good enough the night before the race 🙂 )

What was my game plan and how did I get through it?

  1. Mindset

Despite it being my first race, I knew I had to carry a confident and open mindset going into it. Deep inside I knew I could do it yet I knew that it wouldn’t be easy. It helped me ease the nervousness by telling myself to enjoy whatever came at me no matter the result. I wanted to just have fun and interpret the challenge as an opportunity.

2. Foundation of Training

I’ve been consistently working and training my body over the last 6 years so I knew my base strength level was ready to take on this type of physical challenge. I didn’t need to break into a brand new routine, join a bootcamp, or stress myself over this event because my training over time helped me establish a foundation of core bodyweight strength. Things you do a bit over time through habit makes everything that much easier.

3. Camaraderie

It helped that I did not go alone. I invited two friends to join me and having them their gave me an extra boost of confidence and support. The sessions that we trained together and the motivational chatter between us gave me a bonus edge of energy to complete and nail each obstacle.

You can do it too. With an energetic mindset, foundation, and team, you have the capability to conquer the obstacles taking all your time, energy, and attention.

Let’s do it!
